Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Speakers and AUX Cords Oh My!

Hey If you see this before class if anyone has computer speakers and AUX so we can amplify the sound of the two other computers playing video PLEASE bring them. I am running to the IRC.


Monday, April 4, 2011

tomorrows the day. are we meeting slightly before hand to go over everything? i know we have 30 minutes to prepare, so does that mean we are all going to start class, then excuse everyone for 5 minutes or so while we set up?


There's a whole universe of intentions and consequences of new media other than than Barbara Kruger (this lady). Therefore, I arrive with the contrast of this.

Fine Art: Fashion and the Art Issue from alicia dillon on Vimeo.

8 bit from Rui Jorge on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


can anyone throw some words of wisdom at me...to trigger the audience into thought...things along the lines of subliminal messages....dealing with the effect of advertising...technologies subliminal yet extremely prominent presence in our lives...

if else... i will be pulling these "words of wisdom" from my fried brain...likely at the wee hours of the morn as i compile the video and audio together
just leave your ideas as comments! thanks ya'll!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

rachel's post

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrvWLdyG4Uw old spice
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OZg3ljsbc0 old apple
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuq9gnoAre8 funny but not in english

some words we can use
crazy, flip, why is this flipped...
url <- paper towels, sham-wow spoof
Set It and Forget It: Rotisserie Oven <- ronco says set it and forget it too much

Thursday, March 24, 2011

For April 5

Research posted by Wed March 30 will be used! Lets get our brains together.

post URLs of ads, possibly found on Youtube, to the blog

what kind of phrases should interact with the audience

Monday, March 7, 2011

here is it

if you have any concerns please let me know. if you would like feel free to pull the video from youtube and edit it yourself.
keepvid.com is a good way pull videos from the internet and bring into your editing software.


the video is taking awhile to upload to youtube. my computer is slow, sorry ya'll.
do we still want to meet before class tomorrow?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

the upside down business building hussle bussle

I did a 20 minute surveillance of the business building from about 11:40 am - 12:00pm documenting the "ending of class" bussle and the "get to class" hussle.
I filmed it upside down, though it is slightly crooked. This way of situating the camera is odd, because I continuously want to switch the image back to the way I feel it is suppose to be (right side up). This tug and pull of wanting to rearrange the frame, makes your brain HURT!
Kind of interesting- the people walking on the upside of the frame look as if a moving mass of human clouds is occurring.
It is very long, so I need to edit it a little bit, speed some stuff up.
At the end I get a shot where there is noone in the frame, and the recording then ends.
I will get the video up when it is done being edited.

We are possibly commenting on-
-the systems that spring up when we choose to schedule our lives, how crowds gather, and sooner then later seem to fade
-also i noticed that many people as soon as they step outside of the building they hop on there cell phone
-commenting on human behavior, but altering the way in which we can view the behavior, as if these acts are merely temporal
I DON'T KNOW! lets here what you guys think!
If anyone wants the raw version, I can sent that to them through email- just let me know.

and....if anyone would like to try something else, its all game!

Suggestions for [physical exertion] Piece

Open this post and add to it. This will be Yellow #2 (video):


  • Document the exertion of muscles as a woman holds a jug of milk on her shoulder. She climbs at least 8 flights of stairs. (by Teri)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

for Thursday...

i have flip cam we could use...
is that ok?
maybe someone can bring another device as backup?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

heres some more images

if anyone would be interested in making the slide show i would greatly appreciate it. i have alot of homework tonight, and don't have the internet at home, so if anyone trys to contact me late tonight i will most likely not get the message till the beginning of class tomorrow.

i was thinking we should simplify the event score to maybe only two actions. more than two will be hard for people to remember as the event takes place.

heres some more pictures!

thoughts: how to a simpul.

In response to the discussions about our Event Score, I think we all agree that the scores created by Fluxus have been rather simple but evoke a kind of response from the audience that can be categorized as "discomfort." I don't think that we should score just for the purpose of a reaction or discomfort, although we may come to that point in the process.

What we've studied so far is the type of scores that were created by Fluxus: a simple action that can be performed in an infinite number of scenarios. For example, the Cut Piece by Yoko Ono says to do one thing, and the audience is given free control over the parameters of that experience.

The act itself is rather perfunctory in manner, amounting to little more than something we carry out in our daily lives. Pulling rope, for fishermen, becomes a dance move in Japanese traditional ceremonies about the sea. In the Buddhist sense of living, any mundane act can be an act of mindfulness. Local contemporary dancer Shinichi Iova-Koga* uses something similar in the training at his summer dance camp, Dance On Land:

Dance on Land 2009 from Shinichi Iova-Koga on Vimeo.

 The collection of their scores can then be understood as a performance after the fact. I'd like us to attempt something that is more along that line- the score to an action that can become mindfully done.

*Koga is part of a new generation of Butoh/contemporary performance artists. He is a student of Anna Halprin, who in the 1960s pioneered new practices in ballet, movement, and scoring it. Other performing artists of this new era include Twyla Tharp and Yen Lu Wong.

Yellow #1: Grub and Rub

Event Score (example)

Yellow #1: Grub and Rub
Pound the desk if you dislike the food. Change seats if you don't know what it is. High-five the person next to you if you like the food. Make contact with another person if you really like it.

Any comments are helpful. I believe "make contact" is vague enough to be freely interpreted. The "rub" part of the title could possibly be induced.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

narrowing it down

We talked about the Event Score today but didn't get anything written down.
Heres a little bit of what we talked about-

Projecting images. (Celebrities?- can you relate to them?)
Allow image to sit on screen long enough to allow a reaction in the viewer.
Viewer makes decision. (do they agree or disagree)
If they do/do not agree(not sure which), then they must get out of their seat and leave the room.
They can only leave the room if they make "contact" with another leaving the room, and leave together. "Contact" can be interpreted differently.
Score runs until slide show is over.

Input is needed! We need this done, and ready by Thursday!