Tuesday, February 22, 2011

narrowing it down

We talked about the Event Score today but didn't get anything written down.
Heres a little bit of what we talked about-

Projecting images. (Celebrities?- can you relate to them?)
Allow image to sit on screen long enough to allow a reaction in the viewer.
Viewer makes decision. (do they agree or disagree)
If they do/do not agree(not sure which), then they must get out of their seat and leave the room.
They can only leave the room if they make "contact" with another leaving the room, and leave together. "Contact" can be interpreted differently.
Score runs until slide show is over.

Input is needed! We need this done, and ready by Thursday!


  1. hey this is rachel
    yah i really like that idea. i don't know how many people we have in the class but maybe if we have an odd amount of people we can designate a person to just sit there admireing the picture. or something along these line.

  2. i do like the idea too of projecting certain images, but perhaps it would be more simple to just project simpler images. many people dont necessarily know much about celebrities or care about their actions. if the images were just of disturbing or happy things, maybe we would get a more raw emotion from the viewers.

  3. Although I like the idea, maybe this is too complicated for Thursday, unless we can come up with a list tonight.
    Some image ideas:
    -television shows--if you like the show you clap for it or stand up (instead of leaving the room b/c that only allows you to act upon an image once).

    Thanks again for putting this together. Sorry I had to skedaddle to my next class so quickly!

  4. i like the idea of projecting things from happy to disturbing images...there has to be a progression- it is as if we would be examining peoples tolerance to certain imagery that may make them feel uncomfortable.
    i think if we just made them put there head down when they reached that point it would be easier. people may not want to get up from there seat. what do you guys think???
    and can anyone find a series of images?
    >>> happy may be "care bears" to disturbing which may be "vietnam war victims"

  5. I found some images of food.
    I'll save the following images and email Nich to put in slideshow format on the computer.

    See new post.
